Digital Marketing

Increase Online Sales through Social Media

Post by
JP Baez

For several years we have become used to companies offering us their products or services through social networks, such as Facebook or Instagram. Making sales through social networks is nothing new.

However, today it is almost mandatory for a business to have different profiles on most of the available networks with a specific strategy to increase online sales through social media. If you have not yet decided to start selling online through these channels, think twice about the benefits this might bring to your business. Check out these 4 key points to obtain the best results and increase your online sales.

Choose the right Social Networks for your Business

Not all social networks meet the sales objective of every business. Some, like the case of Twitter, function as an information or customer service network. YouTube, is a source of entertainment or consultation, and LinkedIn, is a professional network for seeking employment or connecting with other companies.

What about Facebook and Instagram for sales? These networks have millions of active users around the world, who share their interests through photos and videos. In addition, people use Instagram and Facebook as virtual showcases, learning about new products or services from their favorite brands, turning these two platforms into an opportunity to Reach new audiences and boost online sales. 

Ideal Channels for Business Sales Conducted Online 

Facebook and Instagram are social networks that are adjusted to boost sales for almost every business. For starters, they are two of the most visited networks in the world. On Facebook, a person lasts more than 18 minutes connected, while on Instagram it takes more than 10 minutes. That is why it is one of the best places for business sales conducted online. 

The data on the length of time a person checks their profile on both social networks, plus the number of users who are active, become an important indicator for betting on sales on social networks.

Now, both Facebook and Instagram provide facilities so that users can create a Fan Page with a single click, access the Facebook Marketplace or create a business account on Instagram to promote their products and increase sales online. Likewise, the integration options with other tools such as WhatsApp Business and having the opportunity to carry out digital advertising, increase the possibility of extending sales through these channels. 

To learn more about ad costs, read our article How much does it cost to advertise on Instagram?

man using a phone

4 Key Points to Increase Online Sales through Social Media

Perhaps you already have a profile for your business on Facebook and Instagram to offer your products or services, but they are not giving you results. The reason for this may be that something is failing in your strategy to promote your business. But, how to increase online sales through social media?

Take into account these four key points that will help you boost the online sales of your business and achieve your goals.

1. Define your target audience on social media

You must know who is the ideal person who would like to have your product. Define your target audience on social media first. Then, find out which social network is adequate for that audience. Sometimes companies do not take this factor into account, which becomes a fundamental piece to publicizing their services or articles. For example, if your product is intended for people over the age of 45 and you are promoting it on Instagram, you are making a mistake. This is because only 4% of the audience of this social network exceeds this age.

2. Making social media product post designs 

It often happens that people see an unattractive photo and don't feel like asking about the product, or the simple fact that it doesn't have a price bothers them. The visual part and the value of the products play an important role when users see your products on social networks, so it is important to provide clear information from the first moment.

Partnering with a digital marketing agency is the best decision. Why? Experienced designers can provide you with professional social media product post designs for your business, services, and what you sell. This investment will leverage the budget you allocate to your social media sales. 

Keep in mind that images play a significant role, especially when it comes to Instagram, a purely visual network where more than 58 images are uploaded every second in the world every day. Do not neglect the quality of the social media product post design and respect the sizes of the photos required by the platform. Now, if your image is good but does not have the value of the product, you are making a mistake. Just as e-commerces make the price of items known on their website, you must do so on your social networks so that users have complete information and arrive at WhatsApp Business or the payment process ready to carry out. the transaction. You should avoid having to ask or do a long process during the purchase. 

3. Create a community 

Not everything has to be online sales, promotions, discounts, and more products for sale. Educate and inform your public, teach them how your product works, the advantages it offers, how they can take care of it, and why they should buy it. Building this trust will help people feel secure in purchasing your items. If this is added the use of different publication formats such as videos, infographics, short video clips, or contests, those details will boost your business sales on Facebook or Instagram.

4. Serve your online followers

Handle complaints and socialize with your online followers. It is very common for companies to hide the comments of their clients or forget about them when they ask a question after the purchase. Customer service on social media is just as important as selling your items.

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Have a Successful Digital Marketing Strategy

A successful digital marketing strategy focuses on making your business thrive. Taking into account the four key points we discussed and having the correct strategy, is the right path to increase your online sales. But, if you do not have the time or the necessary knowledge to develop it, you can leave it in the hands of an expert digital marketing agency.

A digital marketing agency to work hand-in-hand with you is a great element you must add to your corporate forces. Why? As they provide the expertise of social designers, digital marketers and social ads specialists, you will soon leverage your investment and see better results, as they work with a personalized social media strategy for your business.

Make up your mind and take the next step to lead your business to success and develop the potential that it can have in the digital world.

Get in touch with the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Miami

At Creatum Studios, we consider ourselves the best digital agency in Miami, owing to our exceptional team of certified digital marketing experts, proficient in areas such as Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Google Ads, YouTube, branding, SEO, and SEM. Moreover, we strive to deliver unparalleled service by assigning a dedicated project manager to each client, promoting a collaborative environment to achieve real business goals.

It’s time to start achieving punctual results, increase online sales, and business growth today! Get in touch with us and hire our digital marketing agency in Miami, FL, or anywhere in the world you are, as we are advocates of remote work. Request a customized proposal, free of charge, for your business to kickstart your digital marketing journey.

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